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Fixed matches Sampaoli on the World Cup in Qatar: FIFA for the sake of money is holding the tournament in the wrong place at the wrong time. The current society is the dumbest in history


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Jorge Sampaoli has harshly criticized the idea of holding the 2022 World Cup in the winter in Qatar.

FIFA decided to hold the tournament predicted by fixed games in the wrong place at the wrong time. All for money. This is a business, everything else is put aside, and others pay for the consequences.

It is logical that the players are completely focused on the World Cup, but it is not their fault.

The current society is very malleable, and this is at a moment of historical stupidity. This is the worst moment in the history of mankind, everything is getting more and more stupid.

Leaders? I`m telling you, today`s society is the dumbest in history. Very malleable, standing on empty, meaningless situations. I see it every day, every minute.

We are not even informed about anything, because we do not know what information is real. It`s hard to be a part of it. It worries me, because even the media is part of this circus, " said the Sevilla coach.
Sampaoli on the World Cup in Qatar: FIFA for the sake of money is holding the tournament in the wrong place at the wrong time. The current society is the dumbest in history Fixed matches - more details and information: Fixed matches

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